Student Paper Competition

Competition Process

The purpose of the Student Paper Competition is to recognize outstanding technical contributions from individual students. Papers considered for an award should meet the following criteria:

  • The student must be the first author, must have written the paper while being a student, and must have done the substantial majority of the work
  • The paper contains a mature, significant contribution
  • The submission consists of a clear, polished manuscript of no more than 6 pages
  • The manuscript conforms to the IEEE template and instructions given on the paper submissions page.
  • If chosen as a finalist, the student must register for the conference and present the work (in person or virtually) to a panel of judges during the conference. The presentation will be in the same format as the lecture session presentations. Finalists will be required to give their presentations "live" to the panel of judges. Each paper will also have to meet the registration and presentation requirements of the regular conference sessions according to the policy determined by the conference committee.

Submission Process

When submitting your paper, select the category "Student Papers" on the web form. ALL the papers belonging to the student paper category will participate in the Student Paper Competition.

Judging and Awards

Papers submitted to the competition will be reviewed for technical merit by the AESS Radar Systems Panel Student Paper Competition Committee. Paper review will be on the initial submissions, so students should turn in a polished version of their paper in the initial submission.

A set of five final candidates will be invited to present their work in a closed session at the conference to a panel of judges from industry and academia. This judging will take place in-person at the conference hotel on Monday, May 1 from 15:30-18:30.

This year the student paper competition is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Graeme Smith, whose dedication to education and radar science was unparalleled. The top three students will receive a cash award and recognition during the Awards ceremony. The first place winner will also receive a commemorative plaque.

For any additional questions related to the Student Paper Competition, please contact the Student Program Chair.