Lecture Presentations

The duration of a presentation slot is 20 minutes. You will have 15 minutes for the presentation itself and 5 minutes for Q&A from the audience. Since lecture sessions are slated for five presentations totaling 100 minutes, maintaining your 20-time slot is critical.

A LCD projector & computer (Windows, MS Powerpoint & Adobe Acrobat Reader) will be available in every session room for regular presentations. You will need to submit your Powerpoint presentations as well as your pre-recorded videos no later than March 14th. Please ensure this is the final version of your Powerpoint presentation as we will not be collecting the presentations onsite.

Preparation of Visuals:

  • Presentations will be collected via the CONFlux submission link when submitting your pre-recorded video. This must be completed no later than March 14th.
  • To keep the conference on schedule, presentations from personal laptops will NOT be possible. In the case large movie files are to be shown, work with conference staff to ensure they load and play correctly well before the scheduled session.
  • Files will not be uploaded directly to the local PCs in the lecture rooms. Instead, files will be uploaded via CONFlux.
  • Presentations should be prepared for an aspect ratio of 16:9, which is the setting that shall be used for all projectors. Any presentations using 4:3 aspect ratio will still be viewable in general, but some parts may be too small for the audience to clearly see when projected in 16:9. As such, 16:9 is strongly encouraged.
  • To avoid software compatibility problems with MS Powerpoint, speakers are advised to EMBED ALL FONTS in their Powerpoint presentation AND provide a backup PDF version.
  • Speakers should arrive in their session room 15 minutes BEFORE the start of their session to report to the chairs. A proctor will also be available in case technical assistance is required.

General Considerations:
• Limit the number of words per visual.
• Leave space, at least the height of a capital letter, between lines of text.
• All fonts, including that on graphs, should be 16 point or larger.
• Graphs and charts should have bold lines and symbols that contrast sharply with the background.

Poster Presentations

There will be a large number of posters presented during the conference. It is essential that posters be put up just before the session and removed immediately after it has ended. The poster sessions this year are back-to-back, thus, it is vital to remove your poster immediately after your session concludes.

The size of the poster panel that is available to each presenter is:

48in (high) x 96in (wide) , or about 122cm (high) x 244cm (wide)

Please note: This is the total space that is available. It is likely that a poster will not occupy the entire space, yet plenty of area is possible to facilitate an easy-to-read poster.

The format of the poster panel is landscape (width > height). This cannot be modified.

Many businesses provide this large-scale printing service (Staples, Fed-Ex, Vistaprint, PosterPrintfactors, Uprinting, etc.)

Posters will be attached to the panel with push pins, which will already be available on the panel. If more pins are needed, please contact the Poster Session Chair. After the poster has been removed, please leave pins on the board.

Author Video Instructions

In an attempt to allow attendees to view all presentations, RadarConf’23 has decided to create an online database for this year’s conference. We have opted for a format where each contributed poster and lecture presentation will, in addition to their live presentations, submit a pre-recorded video that will be available during the original dates of the conference and on-demand after the conference concludes.

We request you to prepare and upload a video of your presentation, comprised of a brief introduction with webcam, if desired, followed by voice over slides for your presentation. This will be posted for viewing within the on-demand platform and organized according to your RadarConf’23 paper session. Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 format (more details below). Please do not try to upload PowerPoint or PDF files.

Our recommended approach to record a compatible video from content displayed on your computer screen and voice recorded via the computer microphone, is to record the presentation using Zoom, available to users on most platforms and in most countries:

Instructions for recording your presentation with Zoom:

For Authors located in China who are unable to access Zoom for free, use of the free software OBS, which allows also to capture simultaneously yourself while speaking and your slides: 

In order for videos to be verified by the technical program committee, there is considerable urgency in preparing and uploading your video. Accordingly, we ask you that you please finalize your video no later than March 14thThis is a HARD DEADLINE. Presentations will not be accepted after this date.

Guidelines for preparing your video: 

Presentation TypeDuration
Oral and Poster Presentation15-20 minutes

File size: 150MB max
Video file format: mp4
Dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9

Please note the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not compliant may not be uploaded.

Please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, the authors, and a mention of RadarConf’23.

Instructions on how to submit your video will be emailed to you directly.